Kim Kardashian reveals the gender of her unborn baby

Kim Kardashian had a slip of the tongue during an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, and we’re all glad she did…as it revealed the gender of their unborn child!

Fans of thereality TV starand herrapper husband Kanyehave been on the edge since the couple revealed in September that the latest addition to their expanding broodwould be arriving in January 2018.

With just two months to go until the baby is due, Kim let slip the baby’s gender – adding that baby North is as keen as everyone else for the baby’s arrival,Metrowrites.
It all began after Ellen innocently asked how Saintand North are adjusting to the idea of having another sibling.
Kim explained that Saint isn’t too consumed with the news, while North has devised means of coping with it.“
‘My daughter thinks she’s tricky. We had a baby shower over the weekend, and I thought, “You know, I really do want to have a baby shower because I want [North] to feel that something’s coming and for her to really understand it,’”she explained on the surrogacy.
“So, people brought toys and gifts and [North] was opening them all up the next day. 
And she goes, “Mom, since Baby Sister’s not here, I think I need all of her toys in my room and play with them and make sure they’re all okay for Baby Sister.”
‘Hope you got it…the newest Kardashian is a girl as North and Saint will be getting a baby sister!If you’re curious as to the name of the child, you’re gonna have to live with it for a little while as the only name she’s been identified with so faris ‘Baby Sister’ Kim, however, says she’s open to suggestions.
“At the baby shower, I was like, “I just want everyone to write a name on a little tile and see if there is something that sticks”‘. 
We’re freaking out, we have no name.’Well, we’re sure it’s not going to be Star West, cosaccording to Kim, North already names everything Star.
“She has a toy, a llama,”Kim explained.
“She named it Star West. She names everything Star West.”
