Boxing Star Floyd Mayweather Jr. To Visit Nigeria , Thanks 2Baba for making it possible

American boxer, boxing promoter and President of TMT (The Money Gang) Lifestyle, Floyd Mayweather Jr. has revealed plans to visit Nigeria on the 12th till 14th of June, 2017.
Floyd himself revealed this in a video put upby Club Rumors‘ official Instagram page and captioned:Floyd Mayweather, @floydmayweather TMT lifestyle world🌎president , will visit Nigeria June 12|13|14 Exclusive to @clubrumorsvi and Zinni Media Group#stricltybyinvitationtomakereservation🔥🔥🔥🔥👆🏼#clubrumorsvi #stricltymoneytalk#clubrumorsviluxury #princerumors and@official2baba thanks for making this possible
