A student of the Kenyatta University in Kenya, has taken to her Facebook to parade her 11 ex-boyfriends whom she described as the ‘wrong ones’, adding that she will always remember them.“You have to pass through wrong guys before you get the right one,” says the university undergraduate, adding, “I will always remember you guys.”
This story comes at heels of the #KeepChangeBae story which saw an Ibadan-based lady refunding the amount a man spent on their botched date.
Recall that the lady, Ore, had gone to see a movie with Pablo Ayodeji and after they returned, Ayodeji went to his Twitter to put her on the blast, saying she refused to kick off a romantic relationship with him.
Amused by his reaction, Ore refunded the amount he spent on the movie day out, and added some extra.
“Keep the change bruh,” she said.
The story swept social media in a storm. Many people, including brands, applauded Ore’s bold and classy clap back at the rude dude. By evening, Ayodeji apologised, though Twitter is yet to forgive him for that act.
Also, last month, a young American model confronted her ex in a viral video that trended under thehashtag #HurtBae.
Unlike this Kenyan woman, the model was deeply hurt that a relationship she invested so much emotion in, failed.Well, this young Kenyan is seemingly unhurtone bit. She has taken body counts to a newlevel by not only admitting to dating 11 boyswithin an unstated period, she also published their photos, promising to remember them all.Kai!
There is nothing classy about her post, some people think, especially because she published these people’s photos without their permission.
Other, though, are applauding her lifestyle.“[This is] better than spending years with a scum who will never change.
I’m sure she was not giving chances for bullshit and keptkicking them out,” One Instagrammer said of the trending story.
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