Mandela’s Grandson Sent to Jail for not Paying Child Support

Mbuso Mandela, the grandson of the legendury hero Nelson Mandela , is back in the headlines. This time he was sent to jail for failing to pay child support.
According toCitizen, the mother of his child dragged him to court over claims that he failed to pay child maintenance and the police issued a warrant for his arrest after he missed the court date.He was reportedly denied bail and will remain in jail until Thursday.
Speaking with the press on why she took the case to the court, the mother of his child said Mbuso squandered his grandfather’s trust and did not spent a dime on their child.
“I was forced to go to court to get him to support his child since he got his inheritance money. But still he does not want to contribute anything. I received a call from Mbuso’s elder brother Ndaba telling me Mbuso was arrested. He asked me if the arrest had anything to do with my case and I told him the court had issued a warrant for his arrest, but the police had not told me they had arrested him,” she said.
Ndaba Mandela apparently was displeased with the arrest of his brother because he claimed he has been paying R4,000 per month for Mbuso’s child, and so there was no need for the arrest.“
Did she see the money physically? She must appreciate we are supporting her child,” Ndaba said of the babymama demanding child welfare.And now, this latest story about Mbuso Mandela has gotten everyone talking about his proclivities.In 2015, he was arrested after a 15-year-old girlaccusedhim of raping her at a restaurant in Greenside on August 7. 
The case was laterdroppedin 2016 due to incomplete evidence, but the charges could be reinstated later.
