Uber launch Self-driving car, shut down by the government on same day after being caught jumping a red light and narrowly missing a pedestrian on the FIRSTDAY of trial

The company launched its self-driving service in San Francisco yesterday but it was shut down by the government on the same day.

Uber has suspended the operator of a self-driving cab in San Francisco after the car was filmed jumping a red light.A fellow motorist, who was correctly stopped at the light, spotted the distinctive Volvo blasting through the junction.
A pedestrian had just stepped onto the roadway as the car crossed the junction, but fortunately there was no collision.

The company yesterday launched a fleet of the self-driving cars onto the streets of San Francisco - but the state DMV ordered the firm to stop the trial straight away.A spokesman said the incident was a result of 'human error'. 
All of the self-driving cars have a humanoperator who monitors the journey frombehind the steering wheel and can take over control at any time. 
Uber introduced the first self-driving cars in September in Pittsburgh. However, the San Francisco launch is facing additional problems as officials claim the company requires an additional permit to operate the self-driving cars in the city.

Photos below shows the moment a self-driving Uber jumped a red light in San Francisco during a trial ,
The car can be clearly seen going through the junction as a pedestrian, right, attempts to cross.
Fortunately the pedestrian, pictured, escapes injury as he manages to safely cross the road.
see photos:
