UNILAG 5.0 CGPA Record Holder: I Sold Computer Accessories and Tutored to Foot My Bills in UNILAG

As a born Psychologist, Ayodele Daniel Dada ran into his passion in books of mixed genre. He defied the boundaries that enveloped his dreams and has lived a life of colours – disappointments and strides. Ayodele gathered the pieces of hisset-back in 2011 when his UTME result was cancelled, eight years after completing his secondary school education, and moved on to explore the difficulty of being a stubborn knowledge seeker. Today, he stands tall among his peers, creating a record of5.0 CGPA after 54 years of UNILAG. Born and raised in Lagos but hails from Ekiti,Ayodelepresently interns with Procter and Gamble.
In this interview with OBAJEUN, Ayodele shares an inspiring story of relentless drive, steadfastness and passion for knowledge.Family and the journey to UNILAG We are just two.  I am the eldest. My mum is a teacher and dad is an accountant. He retired from active work. He does contractual work now. In 2011 when I wrote UTME and I applied to study Psychology, I prepared very hard for it and I knew I was going to get a very good score. When the result was released, mine was cancelled. I thought about it and wondered why they would do that. It was not really about my Exam Centre where I did the exam. I discovered that they felt that I could not have gotten some scores in some subjects if I hadn’t cheated. I triedto see it from their point of view even if I didn’t like it. The whole situation just upset all what I wanted to do because I paid for the UTME form as nobody supported me and nobody thought that putting in for Psychology worth it, even my parents. Expectation was that I was going to apply for Engineering or Medicine, even Accounting. All through the while, what my parents believed in was if it was not UNILAG, then nowhere else. I bought into itat least, but I made it clear that even if I was told to go to UNILAG, it has to be on my own terms. I really wanted to get a bit of independence. You know sometimes too, parents can be overbearing and they say do this, do that.I wanted to start my university education in 2010, but it was the period when my dadhad an accident and he was hospitalized. It is just by the grace of God that he is alive. Prior to that, my relationship with my dad wasn’t that cordial. We had too many differences of opinions. Luckily, the accident united us. After the accident, we just realized that we could not just keep going like that. Our relationship blossomedafterwards. Then in 2011 when my UTME was cancelled, my dad even followed me to some places when we were investigating the reason for the cancellation. We were wasting a lot of timetrying to understand what went wrong withmy result and at a point; I just felt that I should find an alternative. So I opted for UNILAG Diploma.***Read the rest of the interview on obajeun.com
