According to President Muhammadu Buhari,the war against Boko Haram has ‘technically’ been won by his administration.Buhari made the comment during a recent interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC).“I assure you we haven't failed. Adamawa state, Yobe state are free from Boko Haram. Borno state which is their base, I think they have two to threelocal governments,”the president said.“Boko Haram has reverted to using IEDsImprovised Explosive Device, indoctrinating young girls from 15 yearsand below to go and explode it in churches, mosques, market places, motor parks.“They have now been reduced to that but articulated conventional attacks on centres of communication and population in towns and so on, they are no longer capable of doing that effectively.“So I think technically we have won the war because people are going back to their neighbourhoods. We have our committees on the ground liaising with Local governments. People are going back.“Our major problem now is rehabilitationbecause over 1.5 million Internally Displaced Persons, repairing the infrastructures, schools, health centres...the number of bridges blown…that is what we are facing now. But Boko Haram as an organized fighting force, I assure you that we havedealt with them,”he added.Buhari’s statement comes after Information Minister,Lai Mohammedannounced that war against Boko Haramhad been largely won.Mohammed’s comment has however beencriticized by Nigerianswho feel it'snot a true reflection of the situation in the country.
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